четверг, 14 января 2010 г.

Variety of subgenres

There are numbers of genres of metal music ad each subgenre has it peculiarities and its special features and it devotees. There are people that are heave metal funs but they prefer power-metal as a subgenre and they will never listen for some another music. And there are people that are crazy about doom-metal – another subgenre of heavy metal music. People are different and they prefer different music and they can find anything they need in it. There is also such a subgenre as speed-metal. It is the subgenre that is almost like thrash heavy metal. There were even people that believed that it is the same genre. Though, those are two different subgenres and the real heavy metal fan will never confuse those, believe me. As you can see, the variety of subgenres of heavy metal music is broad and it strikes imagination and I guess people did their best in order to develop this music and make it perfect for everyone. So, I guess even in case you are not the heavy metal fan you know now that there is something to appreciate those musicians for. They did their best.