четверг, 14 января 2010 г.

The Obsession with Precious Metal

The obsession with precious metal and the jewelry that it can create has provided many a socialite with the basic standard of appropriateness. However, our obsession with precious metal has also led us away from the simplicity and uniqueness that other gifts and tokens can offer us. When there isn’t enough money to purchase a precious metal, there is a sense of shame that the would be purchaser suffers rather than pride in finding the most perfect gift that can be afforded. When precious metal becomes more important than the motivation for the bestowment, haven’t we lost sight of something important?

While the precious metals of the world will forever be a better quality and outlast the cheaper metals that we can obtain as part of the gift giving experience, their prices and their status leave some people desperately without, as though somehow they are not quite as good as those who are adorned with much precious metal. This is an inaccurate view but one that many of us still cling to like the belief that money creates status. What creates the most happiness is a freedom to express love and intention in the best way possible. Going into debt for years is not always the best way to care for a loved one, and an engagement ring crafted from the more expensive precious metal is not necessarily the most loving option. Would you rather make payments for years because you sprung for the precious metal or would rather have a little extra cash over the years to find other ways to express your love and devotion?